The DRIFE DAO Framework!

A self-sufficient decentralised ride-hailing economy, powered by the community.

3 min readNov 24, 2022


We are excited to share the DRIFE DAO Framework with our DRIFE Community!

What is a DAO, and why does it matter to the DRF ecosystem?

A DAO uses a blockchain to render every process in a decision-making or voting process transparent. Specifically, the DRIFE DAO is enabled by all token holders, eventually creating a self-sufficient ecosystem, where every stakeholder plays a vital role in its growth and healthy maintenance. Our smart contracts self-execute, allowing for quick decision-making within the DAO, and ensuring that data is immutable and tamper-proof.

The Mother DAO

Our Mother DAO is the main landing point and platform for governance and decision-making within the global DRIFE ecosystem. Through the DRF token, all DRIFE users and DRF holders will be able to take part in deciding how DRIFE runs as an organization.

Think of it like Federal and State Laws in the United States.

While federal law governs most matters related to the entire country, state law governs the needs of each individual state. The DRIFE DAO Framework works in a similar way.

Mother DAO decisions involve the whole DRIFE ecosystem. For instance, this includes proposals such as Should DRIFE be using a portion of the referral income earned towards token burning? Who will be able to get the next Franchise NFT? Or should DRIFE start charging subscriptions in DRF?

Voting in the Mother DAO also includes deciding which city will be operational next and the person or entity running operations in each city. As a user, you would be able to stake your token in favour of a candidate and get rewarded with a percentage of the city’s revenues. Council members will then be responsible for vetting every franchise application that is submitted to make sure that only the best franchises are chosen.

Once the Franchisee has been successfully selected, the City DAO is created.

The City DAO

Our City DAO infrastructure addresses city-specific cases, providing an infrastructure for decision-making within each community. This means users can vote and have a say depending on their local needs and possibilities.

In other words, City DAO voting refers to local-level proposals, such as whether to reduce drivers’ carbon footprint by incentivizing them to use Electric Vehicles or questions relating to rider discounts & driver incentives.

Why is this different from existing models?

Whilst previously, companies have dictated their own terms and conditions for their services, often never really fulfilling their customer needs, our new CityDAO allows for a new form of service provision. By allowing users to vote, everyone can have a voice in the decision-making processes for our respective communities.

How would this work in real life?

A decision-making process is going on in your city that is going to impact your community and friends. I am a regular user of DRIFE and would like to vote on a new proposal made by the DRIFE community. Owning DRF tokens gives me the right to both suggest and vote on important decisions, leading to positive change in a service that I am using every day.

In summary, DRIFE

  • Gives a voice to the people that power its ecosystem by giving them network ownership, proposals and votes, a voice that was snatched away from them long ago by the centralised governance of ride-hailing companies.
  • A self-sufficient decentralised ride-hailing economy, powered by the community.
  • An empowering ecosystem for both riders and drivers.
  • A scalable operational model working through Franchise NFTs, with a community-driven Franchiser application process.
  • A secure and incentive-driven way of voting for new proposals, both through CityDAO and MotherDAO.

To know more about DRIFE’s journey: Twitter | Telegram | Linkedin | Website


-- DRIFE is a decentralized ride-hailing platform powered by blockchain with the intent of empowering both, the drivers and commuters